Mind & Body,
PNI and
Stress Management
The repetitive nature of things like flowing water can induce a deep sense of mental tranquillity and relaxation. Allowing your body to fall deep into this type of relaxation, benefits your mind, body, and soul. Relaxation is key to living a healthy, happy life.

Working holistically with the interaction between the mind and body in physical and mental wellbeing is a dynamic, interesting and exciting field. PNI (Psycho Neuro Immunology) is a scientific field studying the interaction between the psychological, neurological and the immune systems within the human body. I was trained in 2001 by a Qualified Doctor (General Practitioner) who resides in Port Elizabeth and presently works as a medical Doctor in Stress Medicine and PNI. I have actively been working in this field and have a book published on Amazon.com called ‘A Systemic Paradigm for the (Mental) Health Profession’. In my book, I explain how thoughts, perceptions and emotions interchangeably influence the immune system.
I used scientific research (which I collected and studied over the years for my Master’s Thesis) and practical implications to show the correlations between life events and health effects.
I have a personal passion for working with people suffering from some dis-ease or illness. One area where I have great compassion is people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Often allopathic conventional medicine has limited treatment results. Even worse sometimes, blood tests return with no positive results leaving your symptom a mystery to the medical profession and therefore, yourself and family. With no scientific explanations, one might get thrown from pillar to post becoming more hopeless and isolated while symptoms, chronic pain and fatigue continue.
That’s why it’s important to gain knowledge of how our immune systems are interchangeably linked with psychological and neurological processes. By gaining understanding and expertise on how we can impact our physical well-being is very empowering. I (and PNI theory) are never implying you are making up your illness in any way. It just gives you methods and activities to improve how you deal with your pain, fatigue tolerance and illness symptoms.
Stress Management
Stress and its impact on the body have been one of the main areas of scientist’s research in PNI. Evidence-based studies proving stressors, (especially ones people feel are resolvable) have the impact of weakening immune system functioning. This may have the effect of increasing the risk of inflammation in the body, developing physical illnesses. There is literature with research and studies demonstrating how inflammation may be an underlying factor in some cases of major depression, mood disorders, and sleep disturbances, etc. It has also has been known to predict whether trauma may result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
It unlikely we can live in a world with no stress, and not all stress is negative. However, it is not stressing itself that will necessarily create the problem, but how individuals perceive and react to the stressful event. If the individual’s experience feels unmanageable or environmental constraints, their ability and coping mechanisms may be negatively affected.
Fortunately, PNI has developed this clear understanding of how unresolved stress can negatively impact our health. Well established PNI methods and practices have been developed to counteract these, decrease inflammation, and promote our healthy well-being.
In 2018, The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed that stress is more widespread than ever before and is the “health epidemic of the 21st century.” Many surveys demonstrate lost of productivity and the staggering cost of stress on businesses. With the fast development of the digital age and transformational changes in the 4th Industrial Revolution, it has become imperative for businesses to invest in stress management programmes. The recent notorious burst of new coronavirus outbreak from December 2019, has caused financial, physical, emotional and psychosocial devastation globally. The importance of understanding and learning useful and effective ways to cope with stress in these unprecedented times has never been as urgent as now.

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2. Request further information on any of the above therapies.